My "first DJ system powered by Peavey, it wasn't in stereo but it was LOUD. Haha.

We had to do an assignment in my high school psychology class that was being taught by the tennis coach (name withheld on account of douchebaggery). He was one of those fat ass guys that waddled after the tennis balls, pathetically attempted to flirt with the teenage girls and if he didn't like you for some reason or other he wouldn't get your name right. He had a BIG ego and the other teachers talked about him behind his back.
To challenge our teenaged minds he assigned a project consisting of making a collage that reflected our "philosophy on life". He featured himself as a "Freudian" type expert of psychology.
All of my life has been plagued by the "turn it down" crowd. Neighbors called the cops every time I cranked up my music without headphones which only happened when mom and dad weren't home. My older brothers had the same problem. When I deejayed the school dances I was hassled to turn it down by the chaperones even though EVERYONE but them was having fun which was probably part of the issue they had. "I can feel it!" they'd complain. Music is vibrations and is meant to be "felt" I'd retort.
That's why being way out in the woods is appealing. No one around to bitch about how loud the music is. Also no one around to bust us for drinking and smoking and tripping. I've always been an outdoorsy type. Between riding enduro's ("street" legal dirt bikes), hunting, fishing and partying aka camping, I like the freedom of unpopulated areas.
My collage consisted of the Busch Beer Mountains as the top of the page background, pictures from "Crash and Burn" dirt bike magazine as well as Natural Geographic depicting wide open fields and western scenes with horses and cows, had cut outs of PA equipment, guitars, giant speakers, pictures of wildlife and fish and remote beaches. For the party representation I had chosen a bottle of whisky with mountains and a stream (it was some Canadien brand I can't recall for certain). I also used pictures of mushrooms and a poppy field because a pot plant would have been against school board policy. Anything to poke fun of the hypocrisy of the system.
I actually made an effort as artsy projects appeal to me. Being OCD the collage was "arranged" and it was more like a picture in concept. There was a method to the madness. It was one of the few assignments I would do for that class as public high school psychology left a lot to be desired.
When I turned in my assignment my classmates thought it "looked cool" and Mr. Fat Ass was jealous of the positive response by the disdain on his face. He snatched it out of the top of the pile, glanced at it, rolled his eyes in disgust and crammed it in the middle of the pile.
High school life moves fast and everyone had forgotten about the collage philosophy assignment until some time later he finally handed us back our "graded" assignment. He "gave" me a "D" where as everyone else that turned something in got an "A" or "B" depending on your popularity with Mr. Fat Ass.
He "gave" me the "D" just for "turning something in" he said when he handed it back to me, alluding to the fact he thought it was a subpar effort. He wrote his critique on the back. He said "You don't make sense!. You show you are into the peace and quiet of nature then bring all this stuff to make noise. You're stupid!" And that's how much thought the "Freudian" trained psychologist put into his assessment of my "philosophy" based on a collage cut from old magazines ("recycling" in 1980).
Mr. Fat Ass couldn't comprehend that the need for solitude was a bid for freedom from an uptight world. The "square" world is too uptight for fun seekers. That is why fellow fun seekers own clubs and bars where loud music is promoted. And without fail, a group of old "squares" will sit in front of the speakers when there is room in the back and COMPLAIN about the volume. SOME people!
That's why a fellow fun seeker once said, "fuck 'em if they can't take a joke" followed shortly with the edition of "joke 'em if they can't take a fuck". Peace and Love! and remember; It's easier to roll through life if you're not a square.