Happy for another busy weekend. Tonight it's the Big Chill 6-10 with the band, Saturday 12-4 solo at the Big Chill then 7-11 at the Caribbean Club with the band and again on Sunday night. If it's raining look for us inside at the Carib as the world slowly returns to some semblance of it's pre-Covid existence.
When you are a finite creature it's hard to be patient because there is limited time and unless you do it yourself you never know when that time is going to expire. The universe will force you to become patient or spend your life in a constant tirade. This meltdown seems to intensify while operating a motor vehicle. It is truly amazing that some people passed the drivers exam noting that where I live in South Florida we have some of the highest rates of unlicensed/revoked as well as uninsured drivers. At any rate the traffic in the Keys will definitely test your patience so try to remember to breathe deep and think about something else other than the other idiots behind the wheel around you but pay attention because no one else is and goddammit put down that fucking phone!
