On a bright, hungover Sunday morning at the Mobile Village trailer park in Mims, Florida (I think that was the name) 3 friends were taking stock of what they had left from Saturday night as far as money, weed and whatnot.
Oogie, the youngest of the bunch by quite a few years but damn close as far as partying experience, was shy by about $20 but he had acquired 4 'hits' of LSD aka Acid.
Not the types to pay much attention to what time it is we eagerly took 1 and 1/3 of a hit a piece and commenced to rounding up beer money out of the wadded up cash carelessly thrown on the coffee table and dresser drawers.
The phone rings and it's Chugs' mom. Today was the day Chugs was supposed to take his mom to Sears to buy a new dryer. Oops.
Dorothy has a thick Rhode Island accent and wasn't thrilled that the three of us were going to help her as we are known to be...high spirited especially as a team. "Are you boys already at it this morning?!" Exasperation beamed out of her eyes as the three of us have a lengthy negotiation over who is going to drive, which truck are we going to take, who is driving back- "Damn it boys I don't care who drives what truck, LETS GO!"
I ended up driving Chugs' truck and we head into good old Titusville (pronounced Tite-Ass-Ville) to the Sears Town Mall. Things are starting to get strange as we follow Dorothy into Sears.
Just like the little boys all men really are at heart, we immediately found the riding lawn mowers irresistible and we each claimed one of the floor models, pretending they were NASCARS and the next thing we knew every kid in the store was lined up for their turn much to the chagrin of Dorothy, the parents with the little kids and the employees at Sears who were expecting the typical, slow boring Sunday.
"Now get over here and help me pick one out! Not the TV's, what is WRONG with you boys?! What is SO funny?! You boys aren't making any sense!"
I have no idea how long we were in the store but eventually Dorothy managed to pick one out despite all our nonsense. We spent the rest of the day and well into the evening trying to figure out how to plug in the 220V cord and attach the already existing lint trap.
In our defense, Dorth thought it would be a good idea to buy us beer but that didn't improve our ability to focus. Some days are just harder to explain and this is why I don't write songs. Peace and Love!