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The Grand Illusions

Writer's picture: Luke Sommer GlennLuke Sommer Glenn

Updated: Jan 6

I make up my own mind. I do what I want to do. I have free will. This is my life, my choices and my triumphs or regrets. I may accept suggestions, but in the end, the choice is mine. God gave me free will or so says the ancient texts, the supposed inspired words of god as translated by the hands of the elite and sold to the unprivileged masses.

I am, in fact, a part of the Creator, experiencing creation through all the variations of the many incarnations one can experience on planet Earth. In one life I'm the murderer and in the next life I'm the murdered or maybe even a brain surgeon. But most lives are experienced in mundane obscurity. The drama of life and death, happiness and sorrow and so forth and so on, repeating endlessly despite or in spite of religion, politics or technology. Experiencing the human condition from all the different points of view.

Immediately after I trim my fingernails I always have the urge to pick my nose. Every time I take a dump somebody has to call on the phone or knock on the door. If there's only one shitter in the house, everybody has the urge to use it at the same time... It's along the lines of the server bringing the food to the table after lighting up a cigarette, the car breaking down after it's just been filled with fuel, the other lane or line always moving faster... The more I hurry, the faster I fall behind and the world seems to conspire against me.

The Court of Life coldly holds the feet to the fire, unforgiving and brutal in its admonishments. No one gets out alive. Sadness, suffering and disappointments, scattered with just enough happiness, pleasure and success, to make sure we know that we are, in fact, sad, in pain and disappointed. But no one would choose to be sad yet we find ourselves at that precipice time and time again. What happened to that free will? Why wouldn't we choose to be happy if in fact it is within our province?

The opposite of free will is predestination. Part of the whole predestination trip is not realizing that it's preplanned. When we have free will we have to worry about our choices. With predestination, the choices have already been made and whatever you choose is correct so you don't have to worry about a thing, because every little thing is going to be all right. Or not. But either way, that's the way it was designed to be. Some believe you can appeal via meditation to amend the Grand plan into a more favorable situation for ones self but that hardly seems valid.

The mitigating factors of existence, the diet our mothers followed while we were in the womb, the stresses she endured while we were in development, the environmental toxins we were exposed to, whether naturally occurring or man-made, all contributed to this moment you find yourself at right now. Biologically speaking, our free will is limited by our physical environment. How much control does somebody actually have over their depression, fear, anxiety or any other disability for that matter?

There is always the possibility that we chose to be here. Some even think entire families incarnate together over and over again in different roles. Some people think we pick our families and other people believe it's a luck of the draw. Could be both. Did we choose to experience a particular hardship, was it part of the plan or luck of the draw?

A more modern concept is the life as a video game idea, that we are living in a simulation or a living simulation. We are a bunch of pixels following a pre-programmed existence or possibly artificially intelligent pixels in an experiment of some kind. I find it hard to think that pixels would enjoy butt stuff but, hey, the whole made in the image of the creator thing would seem to apply here.

The meat and potato view would be that we're born, live and die. Death is the end of consciousness. No afterlife, no reincarnation, no reboot, no final judgment day or lake of fire, no aliens... Nothing. That makes justice and revenge necessary. The idea that life can be fair or unfair becomes important. I have to get all I can get now. It's all about me, baby. Quid pro quo. Do unto others before they do unto you... Sad way to exist.

More likely though, this is the actual Hell. It has all the attributes of a class A torture chamber, stuck in the middle of a hostile universe at the mercy of energies we can't detect or understand.

Nightmares and dreams occurring in the same space. Reality is subjective to the observer. There is no logic, you can only have as much freedom as you can afford to purchase.

But we are in control ha ha ha ha...



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