I've reached the age where life and age converge and the stories come to the finale. Talmage (my dad) always said the older you get the more dead people you know but I think the real lesson isn't death itself but HOW one gets there.
When a person is young, if they even think about their own mortality, they generally imagine a gentle death or going out in a "blaze of glory", being a hero 'til the end.
"I'm not here for a long time just a GOOD time!", "You won't find me in no old folks home", "It's better to burn out than fade away".
No one knows how their ending will be just like they can't remember their beginning, all of a sudden here we are.
When did you realize it was "you"? You don't remember where you've been or even how you got here but yet here you are.
The simple minded think "life" begins at conception. Seeing how most "conceptions" end up on bloody rags in the trash bin it only makes sense to me that the "energy" or "soul" wouldn't take occupancy until the moment of birth or "first breath".
Charlatans will sell you anything you are willing to believe but I like to focus on the evidence at hand. It's clear to myself that what I think of as "I" is an energy assigned to this physical "house" or mechanical body, "me".
What is less clear to some is the meaning or purpose of this form of existence. Some will say life has no meaning, it's all just a chaotic mess. Others can only find meaning by believing in a higher power' purpose for their existence and zealots feel they must force these beliefs on others.
Personally, as energy, we are limited to only non-physical interactions which we somehow lose the ability to do once we occupy a physical body(1). I think the attraction of taking the risk of asking or allowing your energy to occupy a physical body is all the sensations. Making love and eating food is worth the trip no matter how short the time, I think.
Without a body one can't experience tastes, smells, textures in all the variations of foods and drink, can't know the physical sensation of an orgasm or the burn of a rash on your ass. A lifetime feels as such in a physical body but energy doesn't experience the passing of time outside of the physical body.
In other words, we are all immortal but when we enter into the physical realm we have a beginning and an end. That provides drama and intrigue- that's why this world can be both beautiful and brutish at the same time. This is the realm where we come to experience heaven and hell, pleasure and pain, love and loss, life and death.
That's why one soul will cling to a ravaged body on the cusp of death and another soul will kill a youthful body on purpose to escape the pain of being human.
There are many different experiences that take many different lifetimes to enjoy/achieve. So you're not an "elite" this time around, don't worry, maybe in the next life. Peace and Love!
(1). That's not to say we can't or don't experience those non-physical interactions for example when I'm playing music and the collective energy of the audience flows through me, I'm just the conduit or the "channel". The audience is willing something cool to happen and I experience myself from the outside, watching my carcass do things that are beyond my mortal limits, performing beyond my knowledge or understanding.

We all start somewhere