This is a steady gig with a magic show with Micheal Trixx just after sunset which will be at 8:06 tonight. I get started at 5pm and the weather is supposed to stay nice! The wind has died down which makes it easier to keep my hat on my head! This is the advanced party for Memorial weekend so pace yourselves accordingly.
This is a new site so I'm hoping it catches on or I'll be writing to myself which can lead to some twisted thoughts but none as twisted as those in charge of this fairly dangerous planet.
As far as Memorial Day goes it's the day we show respect for our fallen warriors who are sent to die for any number of reasons but for most people it's just another day that bankers, federal employees and other white collar types start their summer vacations and clog up the roads, especially in Florida. US 1 going into the Keys is always a nightmare during holiday weekends and a nightmare heading back north on Sunday and Monday. This year I've been lucky enough to stay within a six mile radius of my homebase. So here is my schedule for the weekend;
Friday 6-10 @ JJ's Big Chill with Rob Garza on bass and Steve Shaheen on drums.
Saturday 1-5 @ Gilbert's Resort with Rob G and Jaime Vila on drums.
Saturday 7-11 @ the Caribbean Club with Rob G and Lewis Rainbow on drums.
Sunday 5-9 @ the Caribbean Club with Rob and Lewis.
Monday 6-9 @ the Bayside Grille solo.
Hopefully Tuesday I'll be able to pay rent! It's time to change strings on the guitars and Deox all the connections so as to have a smooth as show as possible.
Peace and Love, Luke
